Fix: Corrected issue preventing SMS Numbers from loading into the Compose SMS Screen.
Fix: Only show SMS Numbers (not other numbers) in the Compose SMS Screen.
Jul 28, 2016
Enhancement: Added a NOTIFICATION bell in the top navigation bar of Realvolve which shows “behind the scenes”
> Contacts imported from Zapier
> Incoming Emails
> Incoming SMS’s
> (more will be coming soon)
Jul 27, 2016
Fix: Corrected issue causing “all-day” and “due-date” showing RED (past due) until the next day. If the activity does not have a TIME then the activity is not PAST DUE until the next day.
Jul 25, 2016
Enhancement: Save the last search type selection and retain for future searches by default.
Added: Added Escrow City Inspection Time field to the existing date field.
Fix: Correct issue causing some trashed items to not show for sub-users which were co-record owners.
Jul 21, 2016
Fix: Corrected issue preventing some email notifications from showing that were sent.
Fix: Corrected issue causing data in Contact, Property and Transaction tabs from showing – was due to a TAG named “content” which was a HTML keyword.
Jul 19, 2016
Enhancement: Added a FLIP SIDE to the Predicted Revenue to show how it is calculated.
Enhancement: Added a FLIP SIDE to the Predicted Transactions to show how close you are to your goal
Enhancement: Added a Goal section to SETTINGS to allow you to setup annual goals.
Jul 19, 2016
Fix: When only a single contact is in the “With” section and the workflow is setup for Prompt/Specific/Tagged then the email will go to the Workflow Contact – previously it would be skipped.
Jul 18, 2016
Fix: Corrected email notification status for emails which had similar email addresses in CC/BCC section
Fix: Corrected issue on deleted attachments being allowed to send anyway.
Jul 15, 2016
Enhancement: Trash page performance to make it quicker to display
Jul 14, 2016
Fix: Corrected Address import issue for Advantage Xi users on Transactions.
Jul 12, 2016
Fix: Email attachment issues.
Jul 11, 2016
Enhancement: Security enhancements to prevent cross site scripting issues
Enhancement: Anniversary Date calculations based on actual anniversary date, not the most recent date available.
Fix: Corrected issue of sticky dashboard tooltip
Fix: Delete icon not showing correctly
Jul 06, 2016
Fix: Corrected SMS error causing message to be displayed on Party Member screen when sending SMS
Jul 05, 2016
Enhancement: Show TO/FROM indicator on SMS numbers in the Radar and always reply to the contact’s SMS number.
Jul 04, 2016
Enhancement: Added mini-icon on Address field to allow you to copy the full address
Fix; Corrected issue with loading notes using “more…” feature.
Jul 01, 2016
Fix: Copy/Paste changes to templates was not being saved if no other changes were made.
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