Dec 28, 2017
- Detect and set time zone when signing up
- Invited Sub-Users will be assigned same time zone as Account Owner
- Corrected small UI issue with Contact Source widget
- Improved activities performance
Dec 27, 2017
- Set Property/Transaction street address as a loop name when creating a DotLoop connection and DO NOT update the loop name after created or when connecting to an existing loop. This allows user to have any DotLoop loop name they prefer and Realvolve will not overwrite.
Dec 22, 2017
- Added API connections for Property and Transaction filters for mobile application
- Corrected template spacing issues when using copy/paste
Dec 21, 2017
- Several performance enhancements for scheduled email activities
Dec 20, 2017
- Corrected sign-in using LinkedIn
- Better Google map API connections
- Corrected team reporting commission values
Dec 19, 2017
- Realvolve uses the contact cross section to display groups of contacts where the status and stage intersect. This identifies which stage of Aware, Know, Like or Trust each contact is in with relation to their contact status. Â Â Each intersecting square in the heat map displays the number of contacts in the groups and uses drill down capabilities to view additional details on the contacts. Â The contact cross section has two separate views which can be changed by clicking on the filter option in the upper right corner. Â The filtered view is used to identify which contacts should personally called or visited right away, the unfiltered view shows the overall count of contacts in the database. (SEE VIDEO)
Dec 18, 2017
- Added ‘Internal Sales Associate’ role for ‘Assign To’ field of workflow activity. – Selected role adds selected user’s contact record as a party member.
- Added popup warning for users exporting emails under notes & correspondence – such data causes problems in excel due to field size.
Dec 14, 2017
- Prevent Google Sync Contact failures that occur due to special characters
- Notes are now truncated to 100KB for each contact before sync – this is to avoid contact sync failures where data size exceeds 128KB
Dec 13, 2017
- Do not list locked users when using the Switch User feature
Dec 06, 2017
- You can now “Hide” completed activities from the week view or day view of the main calendar. - When a new Dotloop is created for a property/transaction a message will display if the connection process is still in progress to prevent users from trying to make another loop.
- New Dotloop loops are automatically sync’d the first time to prevent extra clicks.
- Added checks to prevent duplicate of contacts when disconnecting and reconnecting loops
- You can now “Hide” completed activities from the week view or day view of the main calendar.
- Corrected popover menu alignment for Alternate workflows started from the dashboard.
Dec 05, 2017
- Twitter enhancement: Increased character limit from 140 to 280 for entire application
- Twitter issue corrected on Reply form.
- Corrected spinner icon from showing in Activities list of dashboard.
Dec 04, 2017
- Account owners and Administrators have the ability to login as other users quickly.
- Account owners and Administrators have the ability to login as other users quickly.
- Corrected a minor UI issue when previewing a twitter message template.
Dec 28, 2016
- Increased BULK EMAIL limit from 2000 to 3000 for all accounts.
Dec 26, 2016
- Corrected issue for the SALES VOLUME YTD widget – A transaction was doubling its amount in the widget when multiple owner were assigned to it.
Dec 22, 2016
- Corrected iOS 10 compatibility issue – users can now add/edit notes from iPad with current release.
- Corrected decimal placement on commissions tab for dollar amounts and percentages.
- Corrected issue causing some tags to be marked as ‘Soft Deleted’ which prevented them from being added as tags to a record.
- Corrected issue with email attachments with special characters like ‘#’ in the filename.
Dec 21, 2016
- AddressReport dropdown to select monthly/weekly is now working correctly.
- Google Sync issues dealing with tags.
- Corrected issue with upload restrictions.
Performance Improvements:
- Increased performance for Dashboard notes and tasks.
Dec 20, 2016
- Enabled ‘Note’ Search – this feature was previously disabled to work on speed issues.
- CSV Import performance Improvements for Properties & Transactions
Dec 19, 2016
- Prevent welcome wizard from reappearing after user links google account.
- Redirect user to correct subdomain to reset password from within an email.
Dec 15, 2016
- AddressReport Statistics and Widget for Dashboard and Contacts.
- Google Sync issue for changed Groups.
Dec 14, 2016
- Additional indexes to improve speed of MLS # search
- Performance improvements on image upload and cropping for Contacts, Properties, Transactions and Users to reduce upload time.
- Corrected decimal place issue on Commission Tab.
- Corrected contact count issue when sending emails from tag screen.
Dec 13, 2016
- Several performance improvements for CSV Importing, Searching, Dashboard to increase speed of application
Dec 12, 2016
- Google Sync performances and optimizations – “Speed of Google sync is now much Faster”
Dec 09, 2016
- Corrected duplication issue on the transactions tab of a contact.
Dec 08, 2016
- Added ‘Referred To’ field below the ‘Referred By’ field.
- Added ‘Referred To’ merge fields
- Added ‘Assign To’ placeholders: ‘Buyer Transaction Coordinator’, ‘Seller Transaction Coordinator’, ‘Agent’, ‘Broker’
Dec 07, 2016
- Added the ‘Additional Address’Â merge fields to Templates – most recent address is used.
- Performance of Bulk adding of notes has been greatly improved
- Corrected duplicate property creation when created from Transaction
- Corrected attachments not being able to Open/Delete
- Ignore ‘Realvolve Contact’ for merge when performing CSV import.
Dec 06, 2016
- Performance improvements for escrow creation.
- Improved tagging performance.
- Corrected issue when sending attachments from email popover
Dec 05, 2016
- Speed of Bulk tagging has been greatly improved and take a fraction of the time to complete.
Dec 02, 2016
- Workflow Wizard: Fixed left pane of window to hide when portions of the screen when not needed for selecting of party members.
Dec 01, 2016
- Improved functionality of the Filter dropdown for Contact / Property / Escrow / Activity tabs.
Dec 31, 2015
- Change: Removed API Key from My Account Screen
- Change: Changed Zapier menu item in Settings to “Integrations”
- Enhancement:  Added IDX Broker API Key field and Auto Fetch options  into Integrations settings.
- The IDX Broker integration allows you to automatically import your “Featured Property” information available from IDX Broker.  Basic information like MLS #, Price, Basic Features (Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Garage, etc) with photos.
Dec 30, 2015
- Enhancement: Added a new property status: Â “Potential” Â to allow you to enter property information for contacts that you might be able to list in the future.
- Change: When Adding a new property the status will now default to “Pre-Listing” instead of “Active”.
- Fix: Corrected Frozen scroll bar issue in People Tab of Properties and Transactions.
- Fix: Corrected navigation using Tab and Shift+Tab of the people tab.
Dec 29, 2015
- Fix: Google Sync issue for activities created from workflows with dependent activities.
Dec 24, 2015
- Fix: Corrected Scroll bar issue preventing access to the [Save] button on the Action Screen.
- Fix: Corrected issue which caused small images to get stretched in Dashboard/Radar Notes
- Added: Craigslist icon for URL field.
Dec 23, 2015
- Change: UI field label “Closes” changed to “Closing Date” in Transactions
- Change: UI field label “Expires” changed to “Expiration Date” in Properties
- Fix: Corrected Scrollbar issue for the following screens:
Contact/Property/Escrow filter – Scrolls the result instantaneously then the scroll bar disappears
Workflow Create/Edit screen
Activity Create/Edit screen
Activity > Create/Edit Action screen
Dashboard > Activity > Tag
Contact > Assign Tags - Fix: Corrected Open Email link to display in new Browser Tab.
Dec 22, 2015
- Enhancement: Added Facebook URL and Craigslist URL in Property Connections List
- Fixed: Corrected UI issue for editing an ACTION on an Activity (3 of 3) – the scroll bar is not allowing me to go down further to click [Save]
- Fixed: Added “Are You Sure” prompt before doing an UNDO on CSV Imports to prevent user from removing data by accident.
Dec 21, 2015
- Enhancement: Added Google Sync checkbox option to individual Activities and workflow Activities to allow user the option of not syncing to Google.  (Default is ON)
- Fix: Add “System Group: My Contacts” tag when new contact is added form Seller Report and “System Group: My Contacts” option is turned ON.
- Fix: Corrected Google Sync issue related to Contact / Property / Transaction getting removed from activity after sync.
- Fix: Corrected UI issue “Undefined” with events on Calendar popup.
Dec 17, 2015
- Fix: Changed mouse scrolling settings to allow for a smoother scroll on lists (Site Wide)
- Fix: Changed mouse scrolling on Time Picker and Task Type Dropdowns
- Fix: Corrected issue of assigning new contact to “System Group: My Contacts” as needed when adding from the people tab of Property / Transaction, Referrer or Relationship fields.
- Fix: Solr index issue preventing access in list pane on New transactions created when Property is changed from Active to Pending.
Dec 16, 2015
- Enhancement: Increased speed and reliability of Thumbnail Generation.
Dec 14, 2015
- Enhancement: Added features to increase speed of notes access.
- Fix: Corrected issue related to manual entry of a date instead of picking from the calendar when starting a workflow.
- Fix: Corrected display issue on tasks connected to contacts that were imported with no first name.
Dec 14, 2015
- Enhancement: Added contact merge fields: Â ReferredBy, Source, SourceURL
- Enhancement: Added new party members: Termite Inspector, Escrow Officer, Sellers Title, Seller Agent 3/4, Office Manager
- Enhancement: Added new transaction dates: Seller Referral Date, Buyer Referral Date, Financial Commitment Date, Seller Settlement Date, Buyer Settlement Date, Title Signing Date.
- Enhancement: Added new property dates: Listing Appointment Date / Time
- Enhancement: Added new date field for Day of week  [[CurrentDay-DOW]] – Sunday, Monday… Saturday
- Enhancement: Performance Improvements related to dashboard to stabilize production.
- Changed: Allow 3 decimal places in the property acreage field.
- Fix: UI Fix  for Contact Heat Graph to correct placement of ‘Aware’
Dec 11, 2015
- Enhancement: Tag View All – optimized for speed and memory to handle large list of contacts
- Enhancement: Mass Delete –Â Optimized for speed.
- Enhancement: Import – Optimized caching process to perform faster.
- Fix: Scroll-bar: Corrected disappearing problems in Contacts when immediately resetting a filter.
- Fix: Scroll-bar: Corrected disappearing problems in Property Tab of Transactions after adding the linked Property
- Fix: Scroll-bar: Corrected disappearing problem on People tab of Property and Transaction when a party member is added by name. Â The SAVE button was not accessible.
- Fix: Scroll-bar: Corrected disappearing problem on Seller Report tab when searching Contact.
- Fix: Corrected downgrade option – problem was caused by file size issue.
Dec 09, 2015
- Fix: Corrected activities which were marked as completed from coming back due again.
Dec 08, 2015
- Fix: Corrected font issue in Settings screen.
- Fix: Corrected Task list sync issue when user had multiple lists available.
Dec 04, 2015
- Enhancement: Added ‘Support’ button to the footer of to chat with support.
- Enhancement: Added ‘Support’ button to the footer of Realvolve App to chat with support.
- Change: Notes Merge field to exclude email messages.
- Fix: Security Issue for Acreage field.
Dec 03, 2015
- Enhancement: Email Notification of Google Sync token expiration.
- Enhancement: Prevent Google Sync when token is expired.
- Enhancement: Increased inactivity timeout to 3 hours – which then requires users to enter login credentials again.
- Fix: Corrected transaction merge fields for geo state and sign at close.
- Fix: Corrected Google calendar sync issues when activity uses recurrence.
Dec 01, 2015
- Fix: Corrected download flag setting when copying workflows and templates. Â This issue caused items to not show when creating workflow packages.
- Change: Limited the note content to display up to 15000 characters to prevent timeout.
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