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So far Lisa Crumby has created 146 blog entries.

AHA! Moment #1: Create a workflow to send notifications to YOURSELF

Hey Realvolve Users, Caleb McDaniel here! You may have run into me in the Help Center or started seeing my name pop up on Tickets here and there. As you may have guessed, I’m new on the Realvolve premises. Due to my newness, I’m in a unique position: I’m learning and experiencing Realvolve with fresh [...]

By |2023-12-21T09:17:21-07:00February 28th, 2018|Real Estate CRM|Comments Off on AHA! Moment #1: Create a workflow to send notifications to YOURSELF

8 Tips for Real Estate Agents To Use When Working From Home

Working from home as a real estate agent comes with many advantages—and even more distractions. Sure, you can get the laundry done, prepare dinner, maybe even wash the car…what’s left to do? Oh, yeah. Some “real” work. Here are eight tips that will help you stay focused and successful from your home office—whether that’s an [...]

By |2023-12-21T09:17:22-07:00February 20th, 2018|Productivity|Comments Off on 8 Tips for Real Estate Agents To Use When Working From Home

Real Estate Email Marketing Tips: Subject Line Length

Alright real estate agents, let’s get to the bottom of this. Subject lines can be one of the most frustrating components of your real estate email marketing. As I’ve mentioned before, we are very fortunate to have thousands of email subscribers, which gives us the opportunity to test, track, and analyze a lot of different elements [...]

By |2023-12-21T09:17:23-07:00February 14th, 2018|Marketing|Comments Off on Real Estate Email Marketing Tips: Subject Line Length

How to Personalize Your Real Estate Marketing Communications

The power of personalization is no secret to real estate agents today. Today’s home sellers and buyers have come to expect—if not demand—commmunication from agents that is anticipated, relevant, and timely. Unfortunately, message personalization often only goes as far as putting a client’s name in the email subject line or adjusting the send time to [...]

By |2023-12-21T09:17:23-07:00February 8th, 2018|Marketing|Comments Off on How to Personalize Your Real Estate Marketing Communications

Realvolve Update: Google Drive Sync

Realvolve now has the ability to sync the files tab of Contacts, Properties and Transactions with your linked Google Drive. Any files uploaded to Realvolve will automatically sync to the Google folder and files uploaded to Google will sync to the Realvolve files tab automatically once the Google folder is linked. Watch the video see [...]

By |2023-12-21T09:59:13-07:00February 6th, 2018|Realvolve News|Comments Off on Realvolve Update: Google Drive Sync

4 Ways A Real Estate CRM Can Increase Your Profitability in 2018

Anyone who has used a real estate CRM to run their business will tell you that making good use of one is a no-brainer. A CRM allows you to build detailed client profiles, oversee transaction management, and be more organized and productive. But did you know using a CRM can also increase your profitability in [...]

By |2023-12-21T09:17:24-07:00January 9th, 2018|Real Estate CRM|Comments Off on 4 Ways A Real Estate CRM Can Increase Your Profitability in 2018

5 Ways You Can Use Your Database to Create More Transactions for 2018

For most real estate agents, the majority of their business comes from people they already know. It’s true for nearly every type of agent out there, whether they’re small, large, new, or experienced. This means that if you were better about marketing to these people—to your “Sphere of Influence” (SOI)—you would be selling more homes. [...]

By |2023-12-21T09:17:24-07:00January 1st, 2018|Marketing|Comments Off on 5 Ways You Can Use Your Database to Create More Transactions for 2018

How To Convert More Leads With a Real Estate Lead Management System

Where do your leads come from? And could you convert more with a real estate lead management system? Your prospects come from a variety of sources: referrals, ad calls, expireds, door knocking…and from online lead generation websites. You’ve heard us say before that online leads shouldn’t be your top priority—but that doesn’t mean they have to be [...]

By |2023-12-21T09:17:24-07:00December 19th, 2017|Lead Follow-Up, Real Estate CRM|Comments Off on How To Convert More Leads With a Real Estate Lead Management System

How To Enhance Your Real Estate Marketing By Segmenting Your Contacts

In an industry like real estate, where relationships are essential to success, you can’t rely on mass marketing strategies alone. Sure, that big monthly email campaign to your entire sphere of influence (SOI) is important for staying in touch…but you also need to connect with each individual on a more personal level. You need a [...]

By |2023-12-21T09:17:24-07:00December 11th, 2017|Marketing, Real Estate CRM|Comments Off on How To Enhance Your Real Estate Marketing By Segmenting Your Contacts

Your Brain (and Real Estate Business) on Workflows

Have you ever found yourself wishing you were more successful? I wish I had as many listings as Jan. I wish I had a huge team like John. I wish I had a nice car like Jamie… In business, wishes don’t come true. Well-executed plans do. You CAN get better if you’re deliberate about it. Develop a [...]

By |2023-12-21T09:59:46-07:00December 8th, 2017|Real Estate CRM, Real Estate Success|Comments Off on Your Brain (and Real Estate Business) on Workflows
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