Dec 19th, 2023


    • Reverted several changes from yesterday’s update due to workflow challenges

Dec 18th, 2023


    • Adjustments to how activities are stored and viewed in realvolve.

Nov 2nd, 2023


    • Corrected Merge field issue

Oct 24th, 2023


    • Corrected issue in Actions of activities from throwing a SORT error

Oct 9th, 2023


    • Corrected issues preventing the deletion of property and transaction records

Oct 4th, 2023


    • Time zone corrections based on Daylight savings time.
    • Mobile app API Changes ot allow filtered fields to be accessed correctly.

Oct 2nd, 2023


    • Additional signed URL changes for AWS s3 access for attachments.

Sep 29th, 2023


    • Twilio auth token changes for A2P 10DLC changes
    • http -> https in signed URL
    • Activity View All List (Add 100px to right work pane for better presentation)

Sep 20th, 2023


    • Removed unnecessary GoogleSync jobs from background to speed up system
    • Fixed occurrence date time zone mismatch issue for repeating activities.

Sep 18th, 2023


    • A2P 10DLC – Ability to add new SMS numbers to existing Accounts under the same subdomain.

Sep 15th, 2023


    • A2P 10DLC – Compliance Changes for using SMS for outbound messaging

Sep 13th, 2023


    • An issue which prevented the pagination of contacts in the list so the numbers at the bottom to change pages and the view all list was not allowing the full list to display.

Sep 12th, 2023


    • An issue which prevented the STATUS field on a transaction from updating when the transaction was connected to a pending property record.

Sep 11th, 2023


    • An issue where Workflows may not start due to the Inspection Contingency Date
    • An issue where searching for an Activity may not return any results
    • An issue where “Filters” could be displayed, even though the filters are hidden

Sep 6th, 2023


    • Adds the ability for Contacts to opt-in for receiving SMS messages from Realvolve. As per Twilio’s “request,” we’re now required to ask each Contact to opt-in before any SMS messages can be sent to them. This happens automatically the first time a RV user sends an SMS message to a Contact from this point on.

Aug 25th, 2023


    • Major changes for speed increase / long term stability of adding contacts, properties & transactions to the database.  This change improves performance from 1;35 sec indexing to less than a second.

Aug 14th, 2023


    • Corrected issue preventing Earnest Deposit 1 & 2 merge fields from displaying values
    • Corrected issue preventing workflows from starting when using [[Closing Location Details]] in the title of a Workflow Activity.
    • Corrected issue with some transaction fields not saved consistently

Aug 10th, 2023


    • Corrected issue preventing completed activities from displaying.
    • Corrected issue preventing workflows from starting.
    • Corrected issue preventing checklists from displaying and checklist merge fields from showing their current value.Note: This release does introduce an issue where Activities cannot be deleted from the list on the left side, but can still be deleted from within the Radar tab of a record. We’re working on fixing that issue.

Aug 9th, 2023


    • Corrected issue preventing workflow activity from showing the “Tagged with any of” selected tags – the tags were there, just not showing due to a recent change.
    • Corrected issue causing multiple party member merge fields to not populate (Seller2, Buyer2, etc.)  We had previously corrected the other party members but the multiples that had numbers at the end were not present.

Aug 8th, 2023


    • Corrected issue preventing workflows from starting when workflow uses a date that is not in the property/transaction record yet.  This change properly adds the date into the record if not present

Aug 7th, 2023


    • Corrected issue preventing search field on templates from clearing when pressing the (x) button causing the filtered list of templates to still be filtered.
    • Corrected issue causing party member merge fields to not populate (Still addressing issue for multiple party members like Seller2, Buyer2, etc.
    • Corrected issue preventing workflows from starting
    • Corrected issue preventing party members to transfer to transaction from pending listings

July 27th, 2023


    • Performance Upgrade for background jobs

July 26th, 2023


    • Performance Upgrade for filtering and indexing

July 20th, 2023


    • Changes to prevent additional activities from showing in activity list.

July 5th, 2023


    • Performance Upgrade when adding contact, property & transaction records – quicker access to search and view in the view list.
    • Corrected scrollbar issue in Team Reporting widget on dashboard.

June 29th, 2023


    • Performance Upgrade in Settings > My Accounts – No longer have the delay displaying the field contents after the agent photo/logo

June 26th, 2023


    • Fixed issue caused by emails sent to deleted contact
    • Corrected issues preventing user from seeing all activities in the View All screen.

June 24th, 2023


    • Performance Upgrade when viewing Daily, Weekly, & Monthly Calendar.
      • The performance increase is approximately 93%

June 23rd, 2023


    • Performance Upgrade when viewing Contacts, Properties & Transactions as well as the dashboard containing notes when using personal server.
      • The performance increase is approximately 99.71% when viewing contacts.
      • The performance increase on Dashboard Notes is approximately 83.75%

June 20th, 2023


    • Fixes an issue where having a Reminder in an Activity could cause its Workflow to not be started successfully
    • Fixes an issue where Notes would try to save changes, even though no changes were made
    • Fixes an issue where SMS errors from Twilio may not be saved in the Contact’s Notes

June 14th, 2023


    • Fixes an issue where the SMS error messages were not be added to the Notes
    • Fixes an issue where the Closing Time could not be edited at the top of Transactions
    • Fixes an issue where “&” characters in file names could cause Templates not to be able to be saved

June 9th, 2023


    • Fixes an error that could occur in the background after a user is timed out
    • Fixes an issue where a Note wouldn’t be created when a user sends an SMS message to an unsubscribed phone number
    • Fixes an issue where “Included as cc in this mail” Notes could cause Contacts not to be able to load correctly

June 8th, 2023


    • Fixes an error that could occur when removing a Buyer/Seller from a Property/Transaction
    • Fixes an error where Daily options could be displayed when setting the Repeat option for Activities, even though None was selected.

June 7th, 2023


    • Added error messages to SMS notes if there is some error during processing – this will give the user and support information pertaining to the error to get it resolved.
    • Fixed issue causing the dashboard widgets to not work properly during drag-n-drop movement.

June 6th, 2023


    • Corrected issue with transactions activity checklists not saving at times

June 5th, 2023


    • Corrected issues with our Email connectivity.
    • Corrected issue with contact activity checklists not saving at times

May 26th, 2023


    • Fixed previews of emails in email tab
    • Fixed Previous/Next buttons in email tab list
    • Fixed Previous/Next buttons in email preview

May 24th, 2023


    • Corrected visual UI issue when creating a new Activity in a contact workflow which should have defaulted to “Workflow Contact” but showed “None” instead.

May 23rd, 2023


    • Added messages to notify user of invalid OpenAi API Keys

May 19th, 2023


    • Corrected issue with dialer not connecting to user’s phone in order to make outbound calls from contact record.
    • Fixes an issue where Transactions could not be deleted from the Trash
    • Fixes the ability to go to specific tabs directly (ie {yourdomain}
    • Fixes the “Street Address cannot be blank” message that should appear when creating Properties
    • Removed Depreciated Hubspot API’s

May 11th, 2023


    • Corrected issue causing Import to not show as completed – they did actually complete but the status was not reset which prevented the ability to import other CSV files.
    • Fixed issues caused when moving between transaction records that showed elevated error counts since the May 9th update

May 10th, 2023


    • Added ‘client_id’ to the fields sent to a webhook
    • Changed BombBomb integration sync process to be in a better background queue for processing.

May 9th, 2023


    • Corrected issues involving Repeating Activities in the list View
    • Increased performance of Activities and View All Activities
    • Corrected issue causing wrong date to show in Activities List and View All List
    • Optimized the database indexing to increase performance.
    • Corrected checklist saving issue when the phone number is blank which prevented other fields from being saved.
    • Added line break before inserting a signature template

May 4th, 2023


    • Corrected popup calendar for custom date range on Team Reporting Dashboard Widget
    • Corrected integration issue with BombBomb – you should now be able to connect your Bombbomb account using SETTINGS > INTEGRATIONS

April 20th, 2023


    • Moves the Selective Merge from the low queue to medium to speed it up
    • Fixes an error that could occur when removing a Contact from a Transaction
    • Adds a scroll bar to the list of users within the Team Reporting setup when needed

April 17th, 2023


    • Changed the background queue to handle individual record updates quicker.  This performance update will help see changes to individual record changes much quicker when other background jobs are in the queue.

April 6th, 2023


    • Upgraded to latest versions of development environment.

March 25th, 2023


    • Corrects an issue causing the popup calendar to be displayed lower in the screen of the milestone dates when starting workflow.
    • Corrected an issue preventing the popup calendar from scrolling when the rest of the screen was scrolled up.
    • Corrected an issue causing the selected date flips between the current date and Jan 20th, 2023 which could cause some workflow activities be assigned to an incorrect date.

March 24th, 2023


    • Added the following Party Members for Properties & Transactions:
      • Abstractor
      • Building Superintendent
      • Escrow Officer Assistant
      • Qualified Intermediary
    • Added a TIME field to the Pre-Marketing Date field

March 16th, 2023


    • Corrects an issue that prevented new documents/files from appearing to be added until the page was refreshed.

March 13th, 2023


    • Corrects an issue that prevented a user from renaming files when they are email attachments that have been automatically placed in the files tab.

March 10th, 2023


    • Corrects an issue that now allows users to disconnect and reconnect the MAPI email connection for their personal email account in SETTINGS > EMAILS

March 2nd, 2023


    • Updated to ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo for faster processing and 1/10th the cost of previous GPT Responses.


    • Corrects an issue where new Notes could not be created when on the Dashboard
    • Corrects an issue where the Notes & Correspondence section may not load due to an orphaned record
    • Corrects an issue causing Google Maps not to load within Realvolve

February 28th, 2023


    • Corrected issue preventing monthly activities from getting removed from the monthly calendar after completion.

February 24th, 2023


    • Used ChatGPT to create a OpenAI/ChatGPT integration into Realvolve.
      • Settings > Integrations > OpenAI API Key (Enter your API Key HERE)
      • Email / SMS Templates – created OpenAI logo that can be pressed to open a popup window to enter a prompt to generate a response and insert it into an email or sms template.
        • Include Greeting – Adds the [[Greeting]] merge field to the beginning of the template
        • Include Signature – Adds the [[Signature]] merge field to the end of the template
        • Include Message – Will include the current message or selected text of the current message as part of the prompt and can be referred to as ‘message’
        • [Generate] button will generate the Response from the given Prompt and checked items
        • Select Action – Action to take when the [OK] button is pressed
          • Add To Message – will insert the response at the current cursor location that was present before displaying the popup window
          • Replace Message – will replace the entire message area in the template with the Response text.

February 9th, 2023


    • Corrected issue preventing access to the Transactions placed in the TRASH.
    • Enhancements to existing background processes to improve performance and reduce latency especially during high use times.
    • Background job priorities modified to make important processes faster

February 8th, 2023


    • Corrected issue with editing party member information from the People tab of a Property or Transaction.  It is important to know that the SAVE button will be disabled while editing the expanded address fields.   If you make a change to an address then click into one of the other fields to allow the system to take the expanded address information and put it into the full Home or Work Address field then the SAVE button will be re-enabled.

January 26th, 2023


    • Corrected issue preventing the CONTACT LIST from displaying when assigning a contact from a checklist.
      • Part 1 of 2 – Fixed: So that the list displays and is accessible.
      • Part 2 of 2 – Fixed: if you scroll the screen up/down the list of contacts goes away so the list is not left on the screen detached.

January 23rd, 2023


    • Corrected issue preventing and “All Day” activity from being able to be changed to a “Due Date” activity so it shows as TASK in Google when sync’d.

January 11th, 2023


    • Corrected issue caused by manually entering a date in a date field of PROPERTIES instead of using the popup calendar.  The system was setup to use ‘dd/mm/yyyy’ format instead of ‘mm/dd/yyyy’ format that we use in the United States.  This was causing the dates entered as ‘1/10/2023′ to be interpreted as ’10/1/2023’  =  ‘Oct 1, 2023’ – this change will now display correctly as ‘Jan 10, 2023’ as it should.
    • iOS Mobile App – Minor changes/fixes to stay consistent with required Android changes.

January 10th, 2023


    • Corrected issue caused by manually entering a date in a date field of CONTACTS instead of using the popup calendar.  The system was setup to use ‘dd/mm/yyyy’ format instead of ‘mm/dd/yyyy’ format that we use in the United States.  This was causing the dates entered as ‘1/10/2023′ to be interpreted as ’10/1/2023’  = ‘Oct 1, 2023’ – this change will now display correctly as ‘Jan 10, 2023’ as it should.
    • Android Mobile App – Available again on Google Play Store with a few fixes/changes to meet compliance.

January 9th, 2023


    • Corrected issue preventing activity “B” that is dependent on activity “A” being completed before assigning a calculated due date for activity “B”

January 3rd, 2023


    • Corrected issue preventing completed activities that have the “REPORT: YES” from going into the Seller Report section