Aug 30, 2017


    • Performance increase to mobile app activities
    • Improved tag loading on mobile app
    • Added the ability to add multiple contacts to the “With” field of an Activity
    • Added Contact Type to the contact screen
    • Added several Visual Improvements to the mobile app screens to prepare for next round of updates to allow filters.

      See Video Here:

Aug 24, 2017


    • Added “Cancel” button to all Party Member data entry forms to close the form and ignore changes if needed.

Aug 23, 2017


      • Corrected issue with editing Property/Transaction address which caused an infinite loading problem.
      • Corrected issue with validation errors not being shown when adding an incorrect email address in Party Members.

Aug 17, 2017


      • Corrected Transaction Date field formats to use “MM-DD-YYYY” by  default.
      • Corrected note issue when importing “Referred By” from CSV file.

Aug 16, 2017


    • Added Party Members “Administrator” and “Virtual Assistant” to Property and Transaction screen.

Aug 10, 2017


    • Corrected the Property and Transaction Filter alignment – Minor UI issue.
    • Sort users alphabetically by name on users & permissions page

Aug 09, 2017


    • Corrected issues in Notes & Correspondence due to BASE tags / CSS tags from emails that override realvolve styles causing links to not work correctly.
    • Corrected Note indexing issues causing some notes to not show correctly.

Aug 08, 2017


    • Corrected YTD graph display due to recent upgrade changes.

Aug 03, 2017


      • Performance Improvement to CSV import


    • Corrected Solr indexing issue of notes with date/time stamps greater than 2038

Aug 02, 2017


    • Added workflow logging/reporting – when starting a workflow the system will now email and notify you when the instantiation has finished successfully or unsuccessfully.
    • Additional Performance improvements

Aug 31, 2016

    • Enhancement: Added new Transaction Dates
    • Enhancement: Improved features for Zapier integration
    • Fix: Prevent loss of message body when changing between Email-Marketing and Email-Transactional

Aug 30, 2016

    • Enhancement: API Security
    • Fix: Corrected sort order for property and transaction street numbers

Aug 29, 2016

    • Enhancement: Added unsubscribe feature
    • Enhancement: Added Email-Marketing and Email-Transactional options in VIA of Templates to handle unsubscribe based on type of template sent
    • Enhancement: Added Property and Transactional Party Member types
    • Enhancement: Added icons to contact phone numbers in top section of contact to show type of number.

Aug 25, 2016

    • Fix: Corrected “Time” issue on repeating tasks when syncing with Google.
    • Fix: Corrected Transaction Type, Buy Side Referral Source and List Side Referral Source to be shown as dropdown selections and not free-form entry.

Aug 24, 2016

    • Enhancement: Email Notification to show highest priority status on all outgoing emails

Aug 23, 2016

    • Enhancement: Added more Date/Time fields to Properties:
      Measurement Date/Time
      House Cleaning Date/Time
      Staging Preview Date/Time
      Builder Approval Date
      Sign Ordered
      Acquisition Close Date
      Ground Rent Due Date
      Listing Agreement Signed Date
      Offer Submitted Date
      Relisted Date
      Order Intake Date
      Order Photos Date
      Photos Received Date
      Photos Rescheduled Date
      Listing Agreement To Seller Date
      Listing Agreement Signed Received Date
      Order Coming Soon Rider Date
      Coming Soon Rider Installed Date
    • Enhancement: BombBomb refinements

Aug 22, 2016

    • Fix: Corrected issue for users having older versions of BombBomb videos which do not contain Animated GIF
    • Fix: Allow user to reauthorize email connections for IMAP server

Aug 19, 2016

    • Enhancement: Integration with BombBomb to quickly add Video Messaging to Emails and Templates (Phase 1)
    • Fix: Corrected Signature issue when pasted in from a Microsoft Outlook copy.  Embedded code was causing the system to lockup when the signature was being pasted into a template.

Aug 17, 2016

    • Enhancement: Contact Source Widget now allows you to select a Filter icon in the upper right corner to select a time frame.

Aug 16, 2016

    • Enhancement:  Added merge fields [[Last Year]], [[This Year]], [[Next Year]] – not tied to any merge field but displays the correct year so generic activities can be announced each year without having to change the Year.
    • Change:  Change the display order of Completed Activities in the Activities TAB of Contact, Properties and Transactions so the newest dates are at the top and oldest are at the bottom.  This prevents the need to scroll to the bottom each time you want to check on what was completed recently.
    • Fix: Evernote Memory Leak preventing some Evernote notes from coming into Realvolve.

Aug 11, 2016

    • Fix: Corrected issue causing activities assigned to ‘Specific Date’ which was NOT YET past due going to next year.  With this correction if an activity assigned to a specific date is not past it will use the current year.

Aug 10, 2016

    • Enhancement: Added ‘Google Sync’ to settings dropdown menu to quickly perform a Google Sync on demand.  This will save several clicks of the mouse when you need to force a sync of changes made on Google to sync with Realvolve.  Syncing from Realvolve to Google is Immediate but when changes are made on Google first are completed through a timer.  This option bypasses the timer and forces a sync Immediately.

Aug 08, 2016

    • Enhancement:  Added the ability to Hide/Show Property and Transaction fields.  This allows users to remove any unwanted fields from the screen which do not get used.  You have the option to add the fields back to the screen on-the-fly.
    • Enhancement:  When dealing with merge fields or exports we have the following fields for Home, Work or Main… Main will be the same as Home or Work depending on the Record Type of “Person” or “Company”.Home Street Number = 123
      Home Street Direction = S
      Home Street Name = Main Street
      Home Street Address = 123 S Main Street
      Home City = Bolivar
      Home State = MO
      Home Zipcode = 65613
      Home Address = 123 S Main Street, Bolivar, MO 65613
    • Fix:  Corrected issue which when using the “Specific Date” on a workflow activity in the SCHEDULE field wasn’t advancing to the next available date which was not past due.   If the current date is Feb 25th 2016 and an activity of a workflow had a specific date scheduled for Jan 1st, 2016 – the system should now assign the date of the activity to the next available date which is not past due so Jan 1st 2017.   This allows you to setup workflows for Holidays and the system basically ignores the YEAR and makes sure that the activity uses a valid “up-coming” date.

Aug 02, 2016

    • Enhancement: This one is going to blow your mind at first but should be very helpful when needed.  Many times we setup templates which need to be personalized with the contact name but also use “Pronouns” to describe the person like “he” / “she” / “they” etc…   We have setup 4 different Pronoun merge fields (Personal Pronoun, Possessive Pronoun, Absolute Possessive Pronouns and Object Pronouns) for “Contact” and “WorkflowContact”
      WHY would we do this you ask?  Let me show you… the words in brackets are merge fields.
      – Letter to a lender named john:    Dear [[John]],  We had an open house this week and [[Joe and Mary Smith]] came and were very interested.   If you don’t mind please get in contact with [[them]] at your earliest convenience.
      – Now try that same thing with a single guy or a single gal … if you don’t have the pronoun merge field then it would sound odd using [[them]] all the time instead of [[him]] or [[her]].   When the field is filled in it looks at the SEX field of contacts without a linked relationship contact to determine if the contact record is a “Male” or “Female” and then changes the pronoun as needed.   The merge field has the pronoun options in the name so you know which one you should choose.
    • [[Contact#Pronoun-Personal(he, she,they)]]
    • [[WorkflowContact#Pronoun-Personal(he, she,they)]]

Aug 28, 2015

    • Added SMS feature for Great Britain

Aug 25, 2015

    • Added more Merge fields for Transactions

Aug 19, 2015

    • Enhancement: Performance Improvements to entire system
    • Fix: Image upload fix for Transactions
    • Fix: Date filters popup issue when clicking outside the window.
    • Fix: SMS character length issue to allow merge fields.
    • Fix: Import issue on dates prior to 1900

Aug 17, 2015

    • Fix:  Corrected Import for Top Producer files containing notes with dates before 1900.

Aug 10, 2015

    • Enhancement: Allow SMS text messages to be longer than allowed length to compensate for long merge field names.
    • Fix: Corrected image upload issue for Transactions.
    • Fix: Corrected date filter display issue when clicking outside the popup date selector.