Fix: Small UI fix for incorrect notification message.
May 30, 2016
Fix: Corrected Event exception issue on activities created by another user.
May 27, 2016
Enhancement: Contact Address Entry – removed popup and used embedded entry.
May 26, 2016
Enhancement: Additional Solr improvements to increase speed and reliability.
Fix: Corrected Calendar Day of Week header issue.
May 24, 2016
Change: Corrected email issue so mass email for valid emails do not break due to invalid email or other SMTP errors in Sendgrid. This will ensure valid emails go through and invalid ones are isolated.
May 19, 2016
Enhancement: Additional fields added to Property – APN, Property Tax, Average Monthly Utility Cost, Last Sold Price, Source
Fix: Corrected email not previewed/sent when currency field values are empty.
Fix: Corrected tag deletion on workflow actions.
May 17, 2016
Enhancement: Dashboard Graphs: Contacts Flip Side – Summary of contacts in ABCD, Contact Status and YTD Referrals.
Enhancement: Added Drag/Drop of items in Most Recently Viewed List.
Fix: Corrected issue with wrong signature used when a user is deleted and transferred.
Fix: Corrected TAG search issue in calendar items from workflows.
May 15, 2016
Enhancement: Performance increase for “Delete All” and “Restore All”
Change: Google Sync flag defaulted to True on Manually Entered Activities and False for Workflow Activities – user can still change on demand.
May 12, 2016
Fix: Under Activities tab of Contact Activities , the color of Activities which are already marked complete are being incorrectly changed from Black to Red. This happens when user clicks on the Activities link in List View Pane or does a search for activities or creates a new activity on the Activity tab for the contact.
May 10, 2016
Fix: Corrected Currency field formatting for emails to include $ and commas.
Fix: Sort order correction on Activities list view.
May 08, 2016
Enhancement: Added “Sort By Address, Due Date” to the list of dropdown options in the Activities List View. This allows all activities with the same property address to be sorted together so users can process activities together easily when dealing with properties and transactions.
May 04, 2016
Enhancement: Added ‘None’ option to Contact Status and Stage drop downs menus.
Enhancement: Added party members for Properties: Graphic Designer, Seller Attorney 2,3,4, Bankruptcy Attorney, Gas Company, Water Company, Electric Company, Trash Company, Measurement Services
Enhancement: Added party members for Transactions: Seller Attorney 2,3,4, Bankruptcy Attorney, Loan Officer Lender 2, Mortgage Broker 2, Trash Company, Measurement Service, Closing Agent, Settlement Company.
Fix: Zapier integration to prevent duplicate workflows
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