
Aug 30, 2017 Improvements: Performance increase to mobile app activities Improved tag loading on mobile app Added the ability to add multiple contacts to the "With" field of an Activity Added Contact Type to the contact screen Added several Visual Improvements to the mobile app screens to prepare for next round of updates to allow [...]

By |2018-02-06T22:33:45-07:00February 6th, 2018||0 Comments


Nov 21, 2014 New Feature: Workflow Library. New Feature: Workflow imports. New Feature: Editable User's personal information. Added new dates to escrow transaction view and rename methods for user. Added all address type to export. Enhancement: to Email feature to provide "Template" and "Attachments" from all email popup screen's. Fixed Google Drive Export issue. Tagging [...]

By |2019-08-07T15:36:28-06:00February 6th, 2018||Comments Off on 2014


Dec 31, 2015 Change: Removed API Key from My Account Screen Change: Changed Zapier menu item in Settings to "Integrations" Enhancement:  Added IDX Broker API Key field and Auto Fetch options  into Integrations settings. The IDX Broker integration allows you to automatically import your "Featured Property" information available from IDX Broker.  Basic information like MLS #, [...]

By |2019-08-07T15:35:28-06:00February 6th, 2018||Comments Off on 2015


Jul 31, 2016 Fix: Corrected issue preventing SMS Numbers from loading into the Compose SMS Screen. Fix: Only show SMS Numbers (not other numbers) in the Compose SMS Screen. Jul 28, 2016 Enhancement:  Added a NOTIFICATION bell in the top navigation bar of Realvolve which shows "behind the scenes" > Contacts imported from Zapier > [...]

By |2018-02-06T22:24:45-07:00February 6th, 2018||0 Comments


Jun 30, 2016 Optimized: Corrected CSV and Google Export Fix: Corrected Google Sync issue for selected contacts Fix: Corrected sendgrid notification on some contacts after recent update. Jun 29, 2016 Enhancement:  Added the ability for the user to see the progress of the of an email that is sent from Realvolve. Processed: Email has been [...]

By |2018-02-06T22:23:16-07:00February 6th, 2018||0 Comments


May 31, 2016 Fix: Small UI fix for incorrect notification message. May 30, 2016 Fix: Corrected Event exception issue on activities created by another user. May 27, 2016 Enhancement: Contact Address Entry - removed popup and used embedded entry. May 26, 2016 Enhancement: Additional Solr improvements to increase speed and reliability. Fix: Corrected Calendar Day [...]

By |2018-02-06T22:22:01-07:00February 6th, 2018||0 Comments


Apr 29, 2016 Enhancement: Added logging changes to system for tracking. Fix: Corrected Note Time Stamp Issues. Apr 27, 2016 Fix: Corrected Zapier integration to prevent existing tag deletion when existing contact is merged. Apr 25, 2016 Fix: Corrected app freezing issue on Repeat option in workflow activities. Apr 22, 2016 Fix: Additional changes to [...]

By |2018-02-06T22:21:17-07:00February 6th, 2018||0 Comments


Dec 28, 2016 Enhancement: Increased BULK EMAIL limit from 2000 to 3000 for all accounts. Dec 26, 2016 Fixes: Corrected issue for the SALES VOLUME YTD widget - A transaction was doubling its amount in the widget when multiple owner were assigned to it. Dec 22, 2016 Fixes: Corrected iOS 10 compatibility issue - users [...]

By |2019-08-07T15:26:40-06:00February 6th, 2018||Comments Off on 2016


Dec 28, 2017 Enhancement: Detect and set time zone when signing up Invited Sub-Users will be assigned same time zone as Account Owner Fixes: Corrected small UI issue with Contact Source widget Improved activities performance Dec 27, 2017 Fixes: Set Property/Transaction street address as a loop name when creating a DotLoop connection and DO NOT [...]

By |2019-08-07T15:09:09-06:00February 6th, 2018||Comments Off on 2017


Dec 31, 2018 Improvements: Improved Google contact address sync to prevent backfill issues caused on Google's end.  Phase 3 changes. Dec 29, 2018 System Maintenance: Scheduled Maintenance to compress database and improve indexes for better speed and performance. Sanity testing on database completed! Monitor system for any unexpected complications due to system maintenance - completed! [...]

By |2019-08-07T15:01:32-06:00February 6th, 2018||Comments Off on 2018
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