Dave's hike 2.jpg
Originally posted on the Realvolve Community, June 27th, 2017. Having a plan for your day and your real estate business.
I took this photo this morning and it got me thinking about life…

Every morning I wake up at 4:30 am and drive over to this trailhead for a quick hike. It’s roughly a 3.5 mile loop and takes about an hour. Perfect way to wake up and get some quiet time/meditation before the day starts. 

Out of my 3.5 mile hike, the ‘beautiful moment’ in this pic only lasts a few minutes… then it’s gone.

So for the 65 minutes this hike takes… only 5 minutes or so makes you want to stop and appreciate the beauty. That means roughly 96% of the morning walk is a whole lot of average where I’m on autopilot. 
Kinda like life (and our work)… moments of beauty, moments of pain, and a whole lot of normal (grind).

Which is why having a plan for our day (process / workflows for your real estate business) is essential. Imagine your life if you have a consistent (but evolving) daily plan… and you work that plan.

What would your life look like after a month, a year, 5 years…?
Post and let us know! (Comment below if needed).